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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Article marketing takes on a new twist... add video. Video is fast becoming the most popular aspect of online marketing. Do you know how to promote your site, articles, and affiliate products using video. Today we have a great post from Unique Article Wizard.

If you're not using an article distribution service, I strongly recommend Unique Article Wizard. They not only distribute your article, but provide unique article distribution. But enough about the testimonial, let's get into using video as part of your article marketing strategy.

1. Write an article or have one created for you at elance or via PLR articles. These are inexpensive and can be found via any article directory or website.

2. Convert that article into a power point presentation. Make sure that you use big fonts because your video will be more than 200 by 200 pixes in size which is relatively small. You want all of your type to appear on screen in large, clear letters. Place your URL or 800 number at the footer of each slide.

3. Turn your Powerpoint presentation into a video presentation by including voice. To do this you can use the free trial from Camtasia or other video recording software. Essentially, the way this works is that you use a piece of software to record your screen while you present. It will marry audio and video together.

The best thing to do is create a number of articles and Powerpoint presentations before you start your free trial because the trial is limited. In addition, once the trial expires, you will lose access to all your files. So, start with a few presentations and then use your thirty days wisely. Record your video in a large format. Another option is to do a video using your webcam - just turn it on and read out your article! But do it in an animated an lively manner.

4. Upload your video to YouTube and other video related websites. The more the merrier. You want to distribute your content to as many video websites as possible to increase exposure.

5. Write a compelling caption that includes your keywords as the anchor tag for the link to your youtube video. You do this by including the tag [link:your desired anchor text here] in your caption.

Why do you do this? This promotes your video within YouTube and in Google search - so if people don't find your article or your site, they might still find your video. Just another way to get noticed!

Take your article marketing strategy to the next level with video. Don't be scared. This technique is really easy to use once you get the hang of it. Start practicing and leveraging this technique as soon as you can.

Get started with your article marketing today at Unique Article Wizard!


Anonymous said...

adding video is really helpful..its giving new twist to your marketing strategy...

- ledz -

IT Chair said...

Hello There,

Outstanding post! I enjoy reading your posts and thank you for all the great articles. I have bookmarked your blog to come back to it and read it more often.

I hope you read my blog as well

Best regards,
Ashkan Sobhe

Unknown said...

Video Marketing is an added value to promoting a website, it will help seo developer to get target traffic, thanks
Seo Services

Anonymous said...

there's a new website specifically for business related video called eCorpTV. it's free to post and you can paste the embedded link onto your website, emails, etc.

Anonymous said...

Articles and videos really helped us! Good blog post! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea! I've been toying with starting vlogging, and was searching for the best way to do it. I was originally going to record myself talking, which really wouldn't help like a PowerPoint.

Thanks for the tips! DUGG!

Anonymous said...

Youtube is visit by a lot of people around the world and one of the best source to increase sales or gain traffic to our website. Good post Michael!

dc said...

Video is something that I had not really considered as viable. But having read this I will be trying it out asap. Hopefully the results will speak for themselves and can be published on my own blog.

best regards

Dean Cullingham

Unknown said...

Just pasting a video and leaving it there like an orphan is unlikely to be beneficial to you. Invest in quality time writing about your niche and a summary of the content of your videos. Combining blog power and the power of YouTube calls for some ingenuity and creativity.

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