Okay.. Today I'm Pretty Mad
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

For those of you who aren't using Google Analytics or have a background in analytics, let me tell you that anything over 50 pretty much sucks. The bounce rate is the percentage of people who hit your page and then leave.
The good news is that I publish all of my posts on a single page (up to 4) so you really don't have to click anywhere to get the content. I do this because I personally hate clicking around sites only to get distracted by shiny objects. So truth be told, I don't have much to be mad about because one way to read this statistic is that you guys/gals are finding what you need right there on the home page.
If you're looking for me to cover any specific topics that are marketing, internet marketing, seo, or search marketing related, let me know. I find the most productive aspect of this blog to be all of your feedback and comments. Thanks so much to my loyal readers and everyone reading this post - I'm certainly not mad at you... keep marketing!!!
Good post. You can even set up a goal in google analytics that can tell you how many times a page was viewed and track actions such as contact us/enquiry forms submitted. You can also apply a funnel to this to see if visitors leave after a certain page "en route" to this goal action.
I hope this is useful and maybe you could delve into this. Great traffic can only be useful along side great web design services!!
It's interesting that this be one of the first posts I've read from your blog... My first thought when landing on your page was "Wow- this looks amateurish. I'm surprised this is one of the #1 Google listings for 'marketing blog'." I say this not to be critical at all, but to point out the importance of LOOKING professional. You've done the hard part by creating some great content and working hard on your SEO, but some design is needed so when people land on this page, or any professional blog or website, they don't immediately assume you're not an amateur. Just my professional opinion.
Hey I had a simliar problem what you need to do is grab the persons attention and quick. I use a big picture at the front. Email me if you have any questions.
Search engine optimization is the process of improving web traffic through various qulaity search , there are many search involved as image search , local search etc .
You may also want to check out www.ReTargeter.com as a way to bring those folks back and reinforce your brand.
An 80% bounce rate isn't necessarily bad. You'd have to compare it to your online competitors to really know. It sounds like you're optimized for the wrong keywords. Have you developed persona's for your ideal visitors? That's what you use for your keyword research. Good luck
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