Programmers... Cheaper Isn't Always Better
Monday, March 28, 2011
During the last year I've embarked on a number of web based projects. Catch phrases like, "spreading yourself too thin", "biting off more than you can chew", and dozens of others come to min - but I'm not here to talk to you about my work habits. What I can tell you is that managing multiple projects simultaneously helps you appreciate quality programmers. I define a quality programmer as:
--Someone who anticipates your needs. They don't wait to be micromanaged. Rather, these programmers cover all the details so you don't have to.
--Someone who is more than a programmer - they are capable of wearing the user's shoes. When programming they aren't about simply following your instructions. Instead they think about how users will interact with the site and make the appropriate design/programming choices.
--Someone who takes feedback and applies it across the site. Often changes are asked for but not applied throughout.
I know these descriptions of the ideal programmer may seem obvious, but finding a programmer that exhibits these characteristics is easier said than done.
How do you find the right programmer?
Unfortunately, finding the right programmer isn't all that easy. Trust me, I've gone through dozens. But I have learned how to improve my chances of finding a programmer who will get the job done.
A good place to start is to ask, when you post a job or search for a programmer, for the above characteristics. Even if the response is, "yeah, sure," you know they are aware of your expectations and what type of resource you are looking for. It's always good to place your expectations out there from day one!
The next step is to keep trying new providers until you find one or two you can depend on. Working with the same providers over and over can build trust and mutual respect. To be successful, reward your best programmers with additional work when possible.
Happy programming!
I believe you, and of course you must find a reliable and result oriented with track of record. you are not wasting your money also time if you turn to a bad one.
A programmer who had worked for any agency or firm for long time than it can be said that he is reliable in a sense. he should mention in his or her portfolio that when he started work for that agency or firm where he was and now where they are and how did he manage the work.
To hire, i think honesty should be key.
Absolutely, there are a lot of programmers that are really trained well that we can find everywhere. Though, programming is not easy, they take it easy.
A lot of large companies are actually using drupal, for the medium businesses wordpress and joomla are mmore popular. Why reinvent the wheel?
The best way to attract new subscribers is to use the K.I.S. method. - keep it simple - building a large custom website should be done by Teams of designers and programmers, you can never expect results if 1 programmer is responsible for frontend and backend and design and database managment etc. if your not hiring a team use drupal, joomla or wordpress. use your saved money to drive traffic (advertise!).
Programming is a skill which everyone cannot do.
It requires high level of genious.To find such people is really difficult.
Communication is key. Programmers like issue trackers and those kind of automated workflow tools.
Get on the programmer's level and help them work through their own expectations, and focusing on the end result instead of some method that was expected to be used. Programmers get caught up on doing something using a specific tactic they want to try out or practice.
really good discussion
I think one should be a good acquaint to judge whether a person is a good programmer though its not easier because it requires experience only by a long experience one can juge the personality and quality of somebody.
I also reward programmers if they do the job quicker then they promiced. And I am not seeking for other programmers - I have 2 of them whom I can entirely trust. Speaking from my own experience, having more than 2 is no good. It's better when you have strong relationships and can trust one another.
Great article …Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.
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