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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Keeping up with Social Media can seem like a full time job.  I'm not talking about tweeting, making Facebook posts or checking out what your network is up to on LinkedIn. Rather, I'm referring to knowing how to use social media effectively as part of your overall marketing strategy.

The fact is that Social Media is an inescapable, all-consuming, non-stop form of communication that has taken over our society. It's constantly in our hands as we walk down the street with a steely grip on our smart phones and other mobile devices. Social Media is reaching across generation gaps and forever changing effective marketing. 

In a world where online communication is the norm and commercial messaging is intrusive and annoying, traditional marketers may have trouble doing their jobs. That's where my latest read comes in.  A friend recommended "Think Small, Grow Big: A Social Media Survival Guide for the Marketing Professional."  

Written by Ab Kuijer, this book answered a number of questions for me when it comes to leveraging social media.  It can help marketers and entrepreneurs utilize social media in a way that boosts sales and brings in customers.

One of the perks of social media (or perhaps one of the downsides) is the ability users have to share their opinion in real time with large networks of like-minded individuals. If a consumer just bought a new product, only to find it doesn't work, that consumer now has the ability to share their dissatisfaction with all their social media friends...IMMEDIATELY. This can be a disastrous scenario for any marketer!   

So what do you do?

Kuijer illustrates how to deal with such problems in Think Small, Grow Big. He also and
provides Facebook and Twitter tutorials. He covers many different aspects of marketing, including the history of advertising and how to effectively bring traffic to your website or blog.

Establishing your brand in the online market, is a smart way to market your product, service, or business. I don't recommend a lot of marketing books but have to say that this baby is a "must-read" for both seasoned and novice marketers seeking to understand and navigate the new world of social media. 

Here are a few things you'll get from the book: How to appreciate current customer’s needs, instead of constantly searching for new clients; keeping customers happy so they will become ambassadors to the brand; focusing on customer service through dialogue marketing and social networking techniques; how to be successful by building relationships beyond a sale; building brand awareness through trust and friendly recommendations; and tons of other social media stuff that's very much on point.

So pick up this quick,informative read and take your Social Media to the next level.


SEO Companies said...

Social Media should be looked at from a long term perspective because it determines the strength of the company in the long run. Excellent blog! Many thanks for sharing such thought provoking and relevant posts.

Akif Shamim said...

People should use social media to grow and get some positive results for their business or anything. but not to spam or flood. Thanks for this helpful post Michael

Customer Service Outsourcing said...

As part of growing Industry in SEO was the Social media. It served as a big contributor in popularizing a once business. It was pretty good to read a kind of blog that give information and I'm looking forward to read the book that can be a pot of knowledge to me.

email marketing software said...

When you fail to mint impressive ROI with social media, perhaps you didn’t plan the entire campaign the way it should have been. Social media is certainly exciting but is still a marketing channel that needs to be planned and where a framework is imperative. Jumping onto it without enough homework can eventually land you in disappointment.

Joanne Marie Punzalan said...

The points that you have included are all correct. Internet marketing is a growing industry. With advancements in technology, the Internet today allows for more opportunities to reach out to a lot of people. According to what I have understood, social media is one of the tools that internet marketers can use when building a brand. The use of social media serves a better way of pooling a certain target market that can be considered as potential customers. By knowing the strengths of social media, a business can easily grasp the benefits that internet marketing offers.

Sökoptimering På said...

I can say social media is the best platform for promoting your website.

cheap flights said...

These days you can visualize almost all the organisations are participating in social media but neither they are successful because they are not aware to attract visitors and update content or infographics which attracts users. Thanks for suggesting us some tutorials on FB and Twitter marketing I hope everyone go through this and get better.

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