Social Responsibility Goes Vegan
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Marketing gets responsible. As a leading marketer and founder of The Marketing Blog, I know that companies have to stand for something. Whether it's giving back to the environment, focusing on positive outcomes for individuals, or helping those less fortunate, social responsibility is essential for any business who wants to thrive.
What is your social responsibility?
For a long time I've been helping companies grow, achieve marketing success, and deliver top line results. But to what end? Recently I had some pretty significant changes in my life and started asking some pretty big questions like, "What will I leave behind?", "Have I done enough?", "Have I been socially responsible?" And it occurred to me that businesses need to be asking themselves the same questions. As marketers, we should be leading the dialog.
It also occurred to me that my answer to the question, "Have you done enough" has been an emphatic NO. But the good news is that it's never too late to change and individuals can make new choices and go in new, more productive directions at any time.
I'm happy to announce the launch of a new website that has grown out of my own need to become more socially responsible and make a difference. The site is called, Vegan For One Day, and we'll be changing the world one bite at a time. This site is dedicated to millennials and other health conscious individuals who are looking more carefully at what they eat and the impact it has on the environment and their health.
You can make a difference
Our goal is NOT to make everyone on the planet a vegan (although we wouldn't mind). Rather, the goal is one of education and self reflection. When people are truly informed, they tend to make better choices. Look at smoking for example. As individuals learned about the harmful implications of lighting up, they changed, albeit slowly over time.
The same is true about diet and nutrition. Our goal is to educate individuals about the impact of what they consume on both their health as well as the planet and the lives of animals impacted every day. We've also introduced a challenge for people to try going vegan, no meat or dairy, for a day, week, or month. This will have a positive impact on all of our natural resources.
Social good
No matter what you do or who you work for, consider the implications of your actions. Are you making the world a better place? Are you having a positive and lasting impact on the world or the people you care about most? Social change happens when we start asking ourselves the right questions like, "Am I doing enough?"
Don't wait until the end of your life to begin asking questions about your legacy, the impact you'll make, and how you can help. Get started today and make a difference.
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