#1 Rankings For Your Website Or Blog!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
And lately, there's been a lot of conflicting information about SEO and what factors have been given additional weight from the latest Google algorithm changes.

Achieving top search engine placements requires an effective recipe that delivers consistent results. This secret recipe is one that might need a few tweaks here and there but consistently performs. The recipe consists of good keyword research, on page optimization, off page optimization, and measurement.
In the diagram presented in this post, you see the factors that are essential for off page optimization which is largely comprised of building inbound links to your website or blog. Whether you focus on forum posting, guest blog posts or commenting, the goal is to attract and develop inbound links to your web properties from high authority sites and pages. I know the recipe is fairly simple but finding the ingredients can be a real challenge. This is why individuals and companies that do a good job of SEO are so widely regarded and sought after by those seeking top placements.
One of the most important aspects of off page optimization is not just where you are getting links from buy how they appear on third party sites. In addition to the sources of inbound links noted in the fantastic article by Ryan is the need to pay attention to the format of your links. Always make sure to include your keywords in the link text of the link. By embedding your keywords, you give Google and other major search engines a clear understanding of what terms your site should be associated with.
By starting with on page optimization and building a consistent inbound link development program, you can dramatically improve your search engine ranking. Add the proper link formatting, using anchor text, and you're sure to get the results you're looking for.
Do you have some valuable link building ideas you'd like to share? Be sure to Like, Retweet, and +1, this post as well as comment to share your ideas.
I'd only add that the rate of link acquisition is also something worthy of consideration. A site that goes from 10 back-links to 5000 in the span of a week is often counter productive. I've often pondered what would be considered the optimal rate of link acquisition, but I haven't done enough tests to reach a conclusion.
The blog seems to be very important ..........
Nice one.. Looking forward for more information.
Nice post! Fantastic!!! Bookmarked this web page that has this striking guidance. Will arrive back to see if there are any updates. You, the author, are a master. Many thanks.
This is a superb information and you have described everything very clearly and really i got a lot from this article, Thanks for spreading this information here, now i am going to bookmark this blog because i love to read this type of blogs.
"sound SEO principals are still the driver of top search engine placements" It's always good to be reminded staying on the "high road" is the right place to be!
The diagram you shared definitely covers the best of the link building techniques. I would say "ditto" to Gargoyle's comment about watching your linking rates & add that utilizing as many of those channels as possible is just as important. Too much of one link type and not enough of another starts to look as "unnatural" as too many at one time...
this post is perfect for me because I'm having a hard time for my blog to appear in Google:-(can you give me some other advice???
For a website to rank high there are some important factors to be considered. Unique content with keywords placed evenly without stuffing heavily will get a website indexed quickly. Have strong titles and descriptions for your website and following ethical practices to rank higher
will give long lasting results increase in rankings. Thanks a lot.
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