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Monday, November 02, 2009

I don’t know about you but the word “networking” makes me want to cringe.  Without hesitation, I form an image that might be akin to speed dating.  I’m great in front of a large audience but don’t consider myself all that good at making small talk and meeting new people. So when someone recently asked me to attend a networking event, I said no.

I thought that was the end of it but it wasn’t.  Around the same time, a colleague of mine asked me to join him for lunch.  I told him about a new business I idea and he suggested that I reach out to his friend who had a lot of experience in this particular area and after our meal made an introduction via email.  One thing led to another and now I’m connected with a few people who are all helping me to develop this idea.  I’m confident that I can bring this new product to market faster and better than I could ever have done on my own.

Even though I thought networking was a waste of time, it happens.   And it happens in a variety of ways.  If you think networking is simply going into a crowded room and being uncomfortable for an hour or so, think again.  Networking is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, marketers, and professionals who want to learn, grow, and contribute.

What is your networking plan?
To get ahead in your business, job or activities, consider putting together a networking plan.  It doesn’t have to be anything formal but you need to take action.  Research local meetings in your area, join a chamber of commerce, form a group of your own.  Regardless of the tact you take, get started.  It is amazing how things work when you set them in motion.  My goals for networking include:

  • Join the Chamber of Commerce (attend 1 meeting/month)
  • Make one new introduction per month
  • Hold one Internet marketing meeting per quarter (new members) 

By having a plan, albeit small, I’m creating momentum.  Over time, I believe that my network will increase as well as the resources I have available.  Success is easier if others can help you achieve your goals.  What’s great about our niche is that Internet marketers are always willing to help.  I’ve been astonished at the support and gratitude successful marketers have and their interest in helping other.


David said...

Perhaps that's why social media is so darn popular? It's so much easier to speak through a keyboard...

Thanks for saying what so many others are thinking.

connector said...

Great post, i love new connections !


internet marketing services said...

appereciate the article. very nice.

Internet Marketing Action said...


Brad Gosse said...

ugh yes I do hate it but I also see why it's necessary. We all get the image of that dude trying to fill his blackberry with contacts so he can push his MLM on you the next day.

Sometimes a good networking event requires another purpose like a wine tasting event or a golf tournament.

Sara Martin said...

This is the thing why twitter and other social media tools are popular nowadays. Networking is really an important factor to learn new things and for more exposure. It might intimidate shy folks who aren't very much social. But there are too many things one can learn by meeting new people, marketers and entrepreneurs around the world.

Danny T. said...

I agree with your first reaction, I am not really comfortable with the whole speed dating type networking getting to know peers situation. I usually tend to get those clammy hands palms start sweating. But I have seen very many people that because of their networking skills have gotten very far in their careers, basically if you don't put yourself out there you might never reach your full potential. Am I right or wrong? I guess it’s something that I might have to learn to over come. Great post, Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article. Unfortunately networking does make my stomach turn, but it is definately a tool you need to use. I agree with the above post on the wine tasing idea. : )

ay-list marketing team said...

which is exactly why i started my online marketing company, i find thru word of mouth and questionaires i had some of my employees put out in the street, that alot of people are weary about promotion or just dont know what it takes to be involved or do know what it takes but are to tired or scared to do it.

So i decided to start a company that does just that, market people everyday they hire us, whether on the web or in the public, thru basic, everyday, approaches, which are similar to word of mouth or social marketing.

I feel like this is a area that alot of people have takemn for granted and fail to see the benefits of.

Anonymous said...

I think the hardest aspect of networking is the intimidation factor. For me, that is usually what holds me back. I think "Why would that person want to help me out at all? He's probably too busy to help..." But then I think, well there's nothing to lose if I am ignored. There has to be one person who is willing to give me the time to hear me out. The benefits are always amazing, and I believe people should keep this in mind when trying to network.

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