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Friday, September 30, 2011

Marketing Must Be Remarkable

Friday, September 30, 2011

This week I was searching online for some inspiration and was lucky enough to find it.  As is usually the case, I found more than enough to get me thinking about today's post:  Social Media, SEO, Search Marketing, YouTube... I mean, where should I begin?  The good news is that I found the inspiration I was looking for.

One of the biggest challenges we all face as marketers, online and offline, is cutting through clutter.  This has always been a challenge but has grown increasingly complex with the addition of social media and portable devices.  I don't know about you but I'm pretty much addicted to my gadgets.  I always feel the need to be plugged in and I know that I'm not alone.

Cutting Through the Clutter
Okay, so back to my online search for inspiration.  I came across a video of a well known marketer (name omitted on purpose) who had a great solution for cutting through the many messages that our target segments hear on a daily basis.  I was amazed at how simple the solution truly is to this growing issue. 

To reach your target audience and stand above all the "noise", you need to do one thing, be REMARKABLE.  That's right, be remarkable, stand out from the crowd by being different.  Think about the brands that capture your attention.  One of the reasons that Starbucks has such a strong brand is because it charges almost four bucks for a cup of coffee.  Some of the "marketing gurus" will disagree and say that Starbucks can charge that amount of money because of other factors (quality, store experience, etc.) but the reality is that Starbucks does it differently.  

Another great example is the Mini-Cooper.  When you look at the car, it's different, unlike virtually anything else on the road.  The lesson is clear, to cut through clutter you must be different, you must stand out from the crowd.  Me too brands and me too marketing won't get the job done in today's market where we must compete for just a few moments of someones attention.  

Mee Too Marketing
How can you make your marketing different?  Remarkable?  It all begins with a big idea and some original promotions. Once you pick a theme for your campaign, a big idea - something outside the box, you can use different media to communicate your message over and over again.

Whenever rolling out a new promotion it's always a good idea to test your campaign with a small portion of your target audience before you make any significant investment.  Once you work out the bugs, go big!  And think remarkable.  Even if you're hanging on to the traditional letter, stick something in the envelope:  a pen, a cube, a button.  How often do you get an envelope with a bulge in it?  See my point?

The last thing I want to mention is that you should start paying attention to other promotions, products, and experiences, that you notice - that capture you.  Notice what they all have in common and think of ways that you can differentiate your marketing, your products, and your campaigns to get people to stop and take notice.  It's my belief that what you pay attention to are the things that are different and unique!


Terry Smith said...

The question of how to stand out and how to capture your target audience's attention amidst the white noise of gadgetry is on every would-be marketer's mind now. I find the challenge daunting and I appreciate the simplicity of this message. Be remarkable. It really does cut through the confusion to the heart of the matter. Thanks Michael.

Chris Gauthier said...

I can't agree more with you. If you offer quality content, people will not only acknowledge it, but also look to you as an authority. I've seen more times than none people that have something valid to say, not say anything at all when they should be using their knowledge and create blogs and forums. I've had clients which I begged them to share their info so they could become more popular and looked upon as an authority and a remarkable figure...anyhow, good blog.

Douglas Karr said...

Remarkable is so much more important now online as well. Remarkable is something that gets you mentioned through search and social media - providing your brand, company, product, person or service additional authority with online algorithms. It's imperative to online success!

greg marshal said...

Being remarkable seems like the translation is to be different. It is crazy to think how hard it is for so many of us to be different when we all are. It is just fear of being left alone like you said about how you are always plugged in. We really do need to be remarkable by being ourselves. Be yourself.

John U said...

I totaly agree wit this article.
Really good one.

S.E.B & J.A.D. said...

nice post dear blogger, I would like to know more about it.

Unknown said...

Completely agreed. This is always the challenge. I recently read about a firm that's placing QR codes on rooftops to be picked up by Google maps. The new Apple iPhone is also going to offer some new ways for people to find businesses. The game is constantly changing. The businesses that stay ahead of the curve win!

wilkins said...

good one!

Michelle Tremblay said...


Came across this article and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It is good to know that I am not the only one striving to be remarkable. It is challenging for some companies, especially an Insurance Brokerage to break through the nice because there is such a predisposition to what we do.

I like that you have made it very simple, Be Remarkable, and really that explains it all right there. The examples you gave made it very easy to understand how other companies are doing it. Some companies out there are spending too much time trying to search for something remarkable, when sometimes all you need is to be different from everyone else and do it will, that will make you remarkable.

I think one of the more challenging things you talked about is taking the promotions that you enjoy personally and transferring them to work appropriately in your business, sometimes it does work well, sometimes it takes a long time, and a lot of thought to get it right.

Great post, enjoyed the read thoroughly! :)

Database Driven Website said...

Thanks for sharing this information;I have agree with your concern. it will really help a lot. I have to check on this and learn a lot more… Thanks for sharing this one!

Lonnie Ebel said...

Very interesting topic.. Great post and valuable content. thanks for sharing..

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