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Monday, December 28, 2009

Today's Marketing Topic: PR

Monday, December 28, 2009

That's right, today we're talking about public relations. It's amazing to me how little marketing professionals and small business owners know about PR. In fact, PR is largely becoming one of the most ignored marketing disciplines. When speaking about PR to one of my marketing buddies he said, "no one reads anymore.. so PR is basically dead!"

Honestly, I pretty much laughed in his face. "Dead! PR? You've got to be kidding!" I said. The reality is that today's news, social media, and email are all a forms of PR. Sure, I agree that the traditional practice of "getting ink" is old school, but the concept of pushing out a message or creating interest in what you have to offer is just GOOD MARKETING.

Using PR Today

I recently listened to a talk from Tim Ferris, the author of the popular book "The 4-Hour Work Week". Tim went from being unknown to one of today's most recognized authors in a very short time. How did he do it? You guessed it, PR. However, Tim's public relations approach was slightly different than the norm.

He contacted influencers within his area of expertise and let them know about his book. Even a slight mention from market leaders like, ".. taking a trip. Picked up a copy of 'The 4-hour Work Week'.." had a ripple effect that has grown into a phenomenon. In about a week, Tim's book went form nowhere to the New York Times best seller list.

If You Think PR Is Dead, Think Again

So if you're not Tim Ferris and you're not well connected, can PR still work for you? My answer is still yes, you just need to think about it differently. Whether your are targeting bloggers, Tweeters with a huge Twitter list, or other social media, public relations is about distributing your message for others to hear.

If you've done a Google search lately you'll notice the press releases are gaining exposure in search results. This is one of the ways that a well distributed message can appear before prospects and buyers. The next time you do a search check out your results list. You'll notice quite a few listing from PR and other media outlets.

Don't Lose Sight Of Public Relations

Whether you have a robust PR program or are just starting out, learn what you can about public relations. Anytime you want others talking about your product, services, or brand, think PR. Begin with media releases, talking to bloggers, and even reaching out to traditional media outlets.

Think new media too. Video and image are integrated into more and more PR efforts than ever before. Use everything at your disposal to communicate effectively with your audience. PR is far from dead!!!


+gmjameson said...

Good post - of course, as a PR Type I am admittedly biased! PR doesn't stand for press release - which is the common and limited perspective of what we bring to the table, and it's also deeper than publicity. Good PR is invested in growing true and authentic relationships that go beyond the "exchange" relationship of dollars and cents - Good PR builds brands, and that means more than just image-spin -- it's about engagement over the long term, relationship that is two-way, and loyalty that is earned and protected. When a firm finds PR practitioners who bring that element to the table, it's worth more than all the ink you could wish for.

Avelina said...

I totally agree with this post and I have shared it with my friends to know about the importance of PR in marketing. Press releases are taking over and giving much benefits and spreading know how about a specific business.

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Maham said...

Nice post. I truely agree that PR is just as important today as it was yesturday. The importance of PR cannot be ignorned especially in today's era where every one is playing with sales pitch and there is advertising clutter all over the place. You need to build PR to be successful.

James Graham said...

We've been talking to several PR agencies recently about where marketing is going and what PR means in the new online communities. Looking at how Social Networks like Facebook Twitter and MySpace work with more traditional PR mainstays like press releases. it certainly isn't a dying art - but it is changing.

Anonymous said...

i am totally agree wtih this post and most of the comments on it and i also apreciate that today e- marketing era in facebook and twitter are working more traditional...

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